Career Pattern Analysis of SMKN 1 Stabat Graduates Using K-Means Clustering Algorithm on Tracer Study Dataset
Tracer Study, K-Means Clustering, Rapidminer, Career Pattern, Graduates, Data AnalysisAbstract
Tracer study is a method commonly used to determine the condition of graduates of an educational institution, including the career patterns they pursue. This study aims to analyze the career patterns of SMKN 1 Stabat graduates by utilizing the K-Means clustering algorithm. The dataset was obtained from the results of a tracer study of 287 alumni of SMKN 1 Stabat. The dataset used came from a tracer study conducted on graduates in the last five years. By grouping data using K-Means, it is hoped that specific patterns can be found that can help schools improve the quality of learning and student work readiness.[4] The results of the analysis show several dominant career pattern groups, such as the industrial sector, entrepreneurship, and further education.